Elena Humeniuk
PPM Consultant
PMO Directors and PPM Administrators use Microsoft Project Online to manage and deliver projects aligned with their organizations’ needs. Working on mission-critical projects and portfolios, PMOs and PPMs are not insured against risks related to human error factors and breaches. Data loss can happen anytime and can bring serious damage to organizations and their clients.
To avoid these challenges and risks, PMOs and PPMs should find a way to protect projects and related data. Companies need automated backup Project Online solutions for their projects. There are two options on the market – You can use FluentPro G.A. Suite or AvePoint cloud backup to streamline data configuration and reduce the risk of data loss in your project lifecycles. Both FluentPro G.A. Suite and AvePoint offer automated Project Online backup and restore.
Here is an in-depth analysis of FluentPro G.A. Suite vs. AvePoint Cloud Backup.
Project Online data types
G.A. Suite and AvePoint support a wide range of data types. However, G.A. Suite has an edge in mission-critical sections. For Project Level, G.A. Suite supports Workflow Instance and Baseline. These two data types are unsupported by AvePoint SharePoint backup.
As a PMO, you need efficient scheduling options to streamline your Project Online backup workflows. G.A. Suite supports ten out of eleven Project Schedule data types, and only seven are supported on AvePoint. The major difference is that AvePoint can protect the basic set of Project Schedule / Task Fields, when FluentPro G.A. Suite protects the entire project, with 100% of details as in the Microsoft Project (MPP) file, including all custom fields and baselines.
G.A. Suite and AvePoint support all data types under Project Details, PWA Settings, and Custom SharePoint Site Content. They are perfectly matched in these sections. You can rely on G.A. Suite to streamline your project lifecycle and Project Online backup and restore. Learn more about G.A. Suite.
PWA settings
PWA settings can simplify Project Online backup, data management, administration, configuration. Under Personal Settings, G.A. Suite and AvePoint support Manage Delegates. In the Look and Feel section, G.A. Suite allows you to set Manage Views, Grouping Formats, Gantt Chart Formats, and Quick Launch. But Manage Views is only partially supported by AvePoint, which gives G.A. Suite an edge.
All 18 Enterprise Project Type settings are supported by G.A. Suite. AvePoint supports only 14, partially supports 2, and does not support Departments and Project Plan templates. PWA settings for new project detail pages and site workflow association are supported on G.A. Suite but not on AvePoint. Both are evenly matched in workflow phases and stages sections. G.A. Suite also partially supports change or restart workflows PWA setting, which is unsupported by AvePoint SharePoint backup.
Enterprise Data has 49 PWA settings, and 47 are supported by G.A. Suite. But AvePoint supports only 29. PWA settings for Timesheets and Timesheet managers are supported by G.A. Suite but not on AvePoint. Under Operational Policies, resource pool sync is unsupported on G.A. Suite but partially supported by AvePoint. Both solutions are perfectly matched in the security section to backup Project Online.
With numerous supported PWA settings, G.A Suite stands out due to its reliability. As a PMO or PPM, you can rely on G.A. Suite to manage, Project Online backup, and protect your data.
How Organizations can benefit from G.A. Suite for Project Online backup and restore
FluentPro G.A. Suite supports more Project Online data types and PWA settings than AvePoint. Deciding to choose FluentPro G.A. Suite, discover more benefits to organizations:
- Data security. All operations run on the secure cloud-based Azure infrastructure.
- Complete automation.
- Governance best practices. The platform streamlines your Project Online backup, data management, and project lifecycles.
- It reduces data loss risks, cuts costs, and saves time.
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