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It’s Official: Launch of PPM Express – The Modern PPM Platform by FluentPro

Reading Time: 2 mins
Anna Shalomova

PPM Consultant

Reading Time: 2 minutes

FluentPro Software has successfully launched its modern project portfolio management and analytics platform PPM Express™. Its primary value is its unique ability to suit the immediate and long-term needs of enterprise-level users and small and medium businesses.

The main advantage of PPM Express can be read in the core principle: “connect, don’t replace.” PPM Express has been built for you to interconnect third-party PM, PPM, and work management apps. The tool aggregates all the data from your projects, portfolios, timesheets, budgets, etc., and creates a complete “big picture.” By providing visibility and transparency while enabling easy PPM reporting across all the systems, you use PPM Express to make all your PPM efforts swifter and more effective.

PPM Express frees you from the burden of manual data collection, reporting, and complicated multi-step integrations. It’s not a single tool that provides you with a single solution. It’s a complete toolbox that dramatically reduces the number of bureaucratic delays. For executives, it means “next level reporting power,” access to business intelligence (which grows into easy decision making and enhanced maneuverability). For the teams, it means an opportunity to finally focus on their work and, most importantly – retain the tools of their choice.

If you’ve been looking for a more profound PPM business intelligence experience, look no further! Advanced Power BI reports provide PMOs and executives with accessible, easy-to-use PPM analytics.

PPM Express features

  • Schedule-free project and portfolio management
  • The project, portfolio creation, and management
  • Lightweight financial and cost management capabilities
  • Advanced one-click configuration and custom fields
  • Resource import and assignment
  • Risk management toolset
  • Release planning, Roadmaps, Timelines, and status reporting
  • Power BI analytics

“Our goal is to make project portfolio management practices modern and provide tools accessible to any business, no matter whether it’s a large corporation that uses multiple PPM applications and is struggling to gain visibility across them, division, group, or a freshly minted startup that’s just making its first steps into portfolio management.” – says Anton Kravtsov, CEO, and Founder of FluentPro Software.

PPM Express launch

The PPM Express “first appearance” was dated last October at the 2018 PMI Global Conference. Back then, the platform was presented as a private beta. The PPM Express team has collected positive feedback from multiple enterprise customers. We’ve decided to use those as R&D data to define the path for growth and further evolution of our product. After the official launch, the list of connectors includes:

  • Office 365 Planner
  • Microsoft Azure Boards (former VSTS/TFS)
  • Atlassian Jira

You can import all the necessary project data from the listed systems and apps, define portfolios, track progress, and make changes in one view. The PPM Express team is focusing on extending connectivity to support additional PPM and PM tools, such as Service Now and Dynamics PSA, and advancing resource planning capabilities.

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FluentPro Software FluentPro Software can help organizations simplify and automate migration, implementation, configuration management, data protection, and integration of PPM solutions.
1275 12th Ave NW USA Issaquah Washington 98027