Elena Humeniuk
PPM Consultant
A significant shift is taking place in how projects are tracked, reported, and managed across organizations. New technology has set the benchmark for achieving efficient PPM initiatives. Companies like Microsoft, in collaboration with tech giants like FluentPro, are taking the project management system revolution to the next level. PMO directors must seek the best tools to measure performance and ensure Microsoft Project best practices.
Factors that Challenge PMO Efficiency in Organizations
Traditionally, PMOs are known for focusing their operations on controlling projects, ensuring timely completion and adherence to budget plans. We continue to witness the rapid and continuous growth in technology and the increasing complexity of projects. Innovations have changed the way companies run operations. Given that the business environment is more competitive now and agile project management has taken over, there is simply no more room for manual operations. PMOs that still rely on manual processes incur more costs and experience many human errors in data and portfolio management. Such PMOs are stuck in their old-fashioned “command and control” model, which means an inability to focus on delivering value to their customers.
Moreover, operating a silo-based project management model means losing the business environment to competitors with more agile and collaborative operations. PMOs need to change their processes to avoid failure. They need to adapt to a more agile way of setting priorities and managing resources and deadlines. To achieve these, PMOs must first overcome the following challenges:
- Managing resources
- Aligning the company’s project portfolio with its overall strategy
- Responsiveness and adapting to changes in project management
- Maintaining fluent and clear communication with the company’s senior management
- Embracing standardization in workflows and processes
Given these challenges, many project managers seek a reliable Microsoft Project and portfolio management tool. But what tool can that be?
The Solution to your PMO Inefficiency is Just Two Steps Away From your Reach
In two simple steps, many organizations today have found the perfect solution to their PMO inefficiency problem. First, they implemented their Project for the Web project management system. Then, they signed up with this Microsoft-recommended partner service: FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web.
Here is How Project for the Web Accelerator Increases PMO Efficiency
Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web is a unique tool provided by FluentPro, one of the leading tech giants in simplifying the project portfolio management experience. The software offers an easy and convenient way to customize, accelerate, and deploy your operations. It helps project managers improve performance through its ready-to-use environment and adapt processes to suit the needs of PMO directors, programs, portfolios, and project teams.
Portfolio Accelerator extends the functionality of Microsoft Project for the Web too. With the extended features, you can:
- Start operations instantly without delay
- Manage project finances judiciously
- Prioritize projects
- Customize PPM strategy
FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator helps maintain the proper configuration of your Microsoft Project for the Web environments for optimal performance. Thanks to its automated functionality, PMOs can save time, cut back on costs, meet deadlines, and avoid mistakes associated with managing numerous projects.
FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator offers PMO directors the ability to predefine project reports and performance, making it much easier to make informed decisions and get a head start on how to:
- Affect and control changes without any confusion
- Plan, manage, and allocate resources with clear visibility for teams
- Identify and prevent risks to project and portfolio management
- Ensure perfect customizations in configurations for Gantt chart Microsoft Project initiatives.
Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web allows project managers to make informed decisions using performance reports and predefined templates. These features leave stakeholders fulfilled and clients happy, creating a positive ROI.
Inefficiency is Costly
Technology evolves at lightning speed, and you must renew and adapt or bear the risk of losing to competitors. Companies unable to improve and accelerate PMO operations have already left the market or are still struggling to get back on their corporate feet. Get FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator today, and together we can get started with Microsoft Project for the Web for efficient PMO performance.
Take Advantage of FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator
Here are some of the good business values your company can gain from using FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web:
- Quick start and fully managed deployment
- More flexibility for PMO operations, which drives positive ROI
- Saves time and costs deploying business plans and objectives
- Standardized organization workflows and processes for consistency
- Tailor-made customization for the organization’s specific needs
- Extended Microsoft Project for the Web capabilities
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to reap the benefits of FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web today