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Microsoft Project for the Web Adoption

Reading Time: 2 mins
Elena Humeniuk

PPM Consultant

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Introducing a new toolbox for managing project portfolios requires an effective adoption strategy. It is the only way the needs of PMO directors and project, portfolio, and program managers can be seamlessly adapted to work with new software such as Microsoft Project for the Web. But finding the best approach that guarantees successful software implementation isn’t always easy:

  • Relying on PPM templates and standard instruction implementation is inadequate to run new software.
  • The adopted strategy must be efficient and free from numerous potential problems.
  • Portfolio managers who initiated the implementation may fail to consider post-implementation.
  • Many working processes get distorted, and actual work is grounded, resulting in wasted time and resources, incurred costs, and a terrible ROI.
  • Many organizations experience post-deployment software struggles.

For example, when a company sets up new Microsoft project management software, employees may find it challenging to accomplish project goals by following the latest software’s instructions and guidelines. A few weeks later, they may give up trying to understand the whole process. The software gets sabotaged, and workflow switches back to the outdated way. As a result, organizations facing these issues must reconsider their Microsoft Project for the Web adoption plan to enhance their project portfolio methodology and management.

Against these backdrops, project managers look for the best Microsoft Project for the Web adoption plan—one that guarantees complete project portfolio management success. The best and most recommended choice is FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web.

Accelerate your role as PMO

FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web provides a quick start and fully managed deployment. This solution also extends the PMO functionality by enhancing decision-making through predefined reports on project performance. Budget management and allocation, real-time dashboards, project ideation, and efficiently embedded Power BI reports are added capabilities provided by FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web.

PMO directors are responsible for integrating and unifying information, including centralizing projects. When using Microsoft Project for the Web, the adoption strategy allows the project manager to perform consolidated tracking of the project portfolio and budget schedule. They can also enable communication across different group portfolios, ensure project standardization and quality.

Adopting FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web makes these essential functions easy for the company’s PMO division. The solution enables successful post-implementation of the planning system by providing a quick start, fully managed deployment, and reduced cost, work, and complexity.

Find out about Project for the Web Quick Start

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Set achievable objectives

Using FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web serves as a preemptive adoption strategy. It allows project managers to set realistic checkpoints for post-implementation metrics by constantly monitoring data, asking, for example, how frequently are timesheets late? What percentage of reports includes errors? What is the status of the initiatives in progress?

Get ahead of the project management cultural shift

Once your organization is up and ready to run according to your Microsoft Project for the Web adoption plan, you want to be sure everything will go smoothly. You want to ensure that you have the proper support available for an effective transfer and post-implementation process.

FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Microsoft Project for the Web enables a quick start and provides out-of-the-box capabilities extending Project for the Web functionality.

Learn more about this solution here.

With a well-considered Microsoft Project for the Web adoption plan, project implementation goes quickly and with no effort. FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator for Project for the Web guarantees:

  • A quick start
  • Reduced project workloads, cost, and complexities
  • Predefined reports, ensuring prompt and quality decision-making
  • Innovative and optimized project portfolio management performance
  • Increased user involvement
  • Prompt performance feedback

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to learn more about FluentPro Portfolio Accelerator

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